Compiling UlamMethod.jl Into a Standalone App

Creating The App

This experimental feature allows you to compile UlamMethod.jl into a standalone executable that can be used independently of Julia. Currently, only 2D data are supported. Note that creating the app requires a julia installation.

  1. Create a folder where you want the app to be stored and cd into it. For this example, we'll use UlamApp.

  2. Clone into UlamApp. If you use GitHub CLI this is accomplished quickly by: gh repo clone 70Gage70/UlamMethod.jl.

  3. Run the following command from the terminal. This will compile the app, taking 5-10 minutes. It will also add the package PackageCompiler to your main environment. Run julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.rm("PackageCompiler") afterwards if you don't want it any more.

julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.add("PackageCompiler"); Pkg.develop(path = "UlamMethod.jl"); using PackageCompiler, UlamMethod; create_app("UlamMethod.jl/", "UlamMethodCompiled")'

The path to the executable is now .../UlamApp/UlamMethodCompiled/bin/UlamMethod. This can e.g. be added to your PATH for convenient access.

Using The App

The expected syntax is ./UlamMethod ARG1 ARG2 ... ARG9, where each ARG is defined as follows

  • ARG1: The path to the file containing the input data. This expects a .mat file that contains the variables "x0", "xT", "y0" and "yT".
  • ARG2: The file to write the output. This should also be a .mat file.
  • ARG3: The type of binner. Options are [rec, tri, hex, vor].
  • ARG4: The number of bins.
  • ARG5 - ARG8: These args control the fraction of data taken to be in nirvana on each side of the rectangular boundary in the order left, right, bottom, top.
  • ARG9: The reinjection algorithm. Options are [data, stat, unif].


The following terminal command will generate some test data in the file traj-test.mat:

julia -e 'import Pkg; Pkg.activate(temp = true); Pkg.add(["UlamMethod", "MAT"]); using UlamMethod, MAT; traj = Trajectories(2, 1000); matwrite("traj-test.mat", Dict("x0" => traj.x0[1,:], "y0" => traj.x0[2,:], "xT" => traj.xT[1,:],"yT" => traj.xT[2,:]))'

We'll apply Ulam's method with 100 rectangular bins and "data" reinjection (the default). We'll let 2% of the data be in nirvana on the left side of the boundary. The output file will be ulam-out.mat. Due to precompilation issues, the very first time you run the app, it will be slow.

./UlamMethod traj-test.mat ulam-out.mat rec 100 0.02 0.0 0.0 0.0 data

The output .mat file contains the transition probability matrix "P" as well as the vertices defining the associated bins "bins_verts". Refer to the "info" field for more information regarding the format of the output.